I just want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to listen to one of my songs. I hope you find it meaningful and enjoy listening to it.

 A long journey to the wedding ... is another musical creation by the Non-Musician ... what I mean is, I have never learned to play any kind of musical intrument other than a CD player, hahaha.  Yes, that is the truth ... but ... I composed and played all of the music in this song, all by myself.  Sounds impossible doesn't it?  ... It took many years but I found a way to play the music of my heart on a musical midi keyboard (looks like a piano), and yes with my own fingers, hahaha ... It takes me much longer than a trained muscian to record the music for a song, but praise the Lord, I do get the job done ... The Lord my God has given me the opportunity to glorify him in the creation of this song, in that, it was created solely by me using the gifts and talents the Lord has given to me. This song is written and performed by me, Alfred Ward.

             I am...  singing ... all the vocal parts ... and also ... playing ... all the musical instrument parts ... and performed

                 all of the sound engineering execpt for the mastering which is done automatically on the Landr website.
The intent of this song is to help you understand that the life of a Christian starts at the time of rebirth, which is the time we are born again and it continues as a long journey until the end of our earthly lives or until Christ returns to this earth to claim his followers (all who are saved by his grace which is his church), whichever comes first. This reunion of Jesus Christ and all whom He has saved is called the wedding which is the basis of this song. At this wedding, Jesus is the groom, and his church is his bride. The road to this wedding is not always easy for the Christian whether new born or seasoned. Sometimes the way seems to get awfully rough and sometimes it gets narrow but he always provides enough room for us to pass through. Yes, there may be many ups and downs in the life of a Christian but he will always be there with us to provide a way.  If He closes one door He will open another, he will never leave or forsake us. As we travel through this long journey we acknowledge that God is the provider of all things, and the giver of all good gifts.  

Just sit back and relax while Al reflects the experiences of himself and many other Christians traveling down this road to one day, joyfully, arrive at the wedding. There will be such a great and wonderful feast for all who attend. If you do not believe you are in that number then hopefully you will seriously consider joining up with his bride, the church.

NOTE:  The following link will enable you to play the song on SoundCloud.   It is a private track ... this is the only way to play it, I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed composing, plaiying and singing it.
A long journey to the wedding
Play - A long journey to the wedding
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